BCW Memberships
BCW Members are any Black women who pays the annual membership fee and adheres to the bylaws and regulations of BCW in Action.
Memberships are valid for one full fiscal year, expiring on March 31st every year.
Active memberships give the right to one vote at the BCW in Action AGM and other member - voting items.
Become a BCW Member Today.
Student Membership
Active, full-time enrollment in Elementary, Jr High, or Highschool
Discounts on events
Access to a network of black business professionals to help your future
Invitations to exclusive member - only events
General Membership
Professional Black women in careers or in business
Access to network of black business professionals
Cross promotion of events and opportunities to be featured
Networking opportunities with other business owners and professionals
Promotional opportunities at BCW In Action events
Access to business directory
Invitation to exclusive member-only events
Member-only discounts with select organizations
Membership Registration
Please complete the form below to provide BCW In Action with your membership information.
Once submitted: You have two payment options:
Send payment to: Black Canadian Women in Action
Email: info@bcwinaction.ca
Description: BCW Membership
Online Payment:
Pay via credit card using this link.
Comment: BCW Membership
Events & Programs
Join us for a whole range of events, programs, classes, workshops, and more!
We Need Your Support Today!
Consider Donating to BCW Non-Profit Organization